About Us
X-Centric™ Sciences is headquartered in Sydney Australia.
Public Benefit Corporation (PBC)
For many soil and agriculturally relevant elements, total concentrations can be rapidly quantified using pXRF under the right conditions.
However, carbon cannot currently be quantified using pXRF.
Our paraphrased public benefit goals are to
Why are soil carbon and density important?

Soil organic matter
and organic carbon
Soil carbon is important to agricultural systems because it is a key driving variable in overall crop productivity. Its quantification has recently gained importance with the introduction of the United Nations (UN) 4p1000 initiative which aims to mitigate climate change via the sequestration of carbon within agricultural soils thereby reducing atmospheric CO2 (with the added benefit of increased crop productivity and thus increased global food security).
As corollary to this initiative some member countries are mobilizing and implementing policies and frameworks to promote increasing agricultural soil carbon. As a result, technological advances for soil characterization are needed to increase throughput and decrease costs of analyses.